Pain Management

Pain, depression, and anxiety travel through similar pathways along your nervous system and share many of the same biological mechanisms. One of the areas in the brain that receives pain signals — specifically, the limbic region — shares many of the same messengers as the mood signals. We know from research studies using neuroimaging that the parts of the brain controlling emotion and sensory features of pain are altered in people with chronic pain.

Chronic pain increases the risk of depression and anxiety, and depression and anxiety strongly predict the development of chronic pain.

How can pain management benefit me and my family?

There are multiple psychotherapeutic treatment options commonly used to help people manage chronic pain. Mental health professionals who specialize in working with people in pain can guide you with additional evidence-based treatments

Family systems therapy is a form of psychotherapy that helps individuals resolve their problems in the context of their family units, where many issues are likely to begin. Each family member works together with the others to better understand their group dynamic and how their individual actions affect each other and the family unit as a whole.

Get started today

One of the most important premises of family systems therapy is that what happens to one member of a family happens to everyone in the family. Request an appointment with one of our therapists at Parters in Physical Therapy today!
